Envelope-to: biro@modukit.com
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:35:19 +0000
From: thomcrane@o2.co.uk
Subject: Proposals -T. Crane
To: "biro" <biro@modukit.com>

   Interventions, Actions and Ideas     pictures

Title: (Bold)

Entropy and the Heterogenous or Homogenisation and the survival of Singularities


My name is Thomas Crane; I am currently studying an MA (Part-Time) in Fine
Art at Goldsmiths College, London.  I currently live and work in London
and I am working upon several different projects in the studio connected
with the themes, ideas and proposals below.


Many of these proposals are based upon the works and ideas of the Situationists

1. Derive (Drift)
(do not include: please note there is a hyphen above the 'e' in derive...the
title after each number is also in Bold case)

The derive was one of many approaches to the city made by the Situationists.
Ideas of pyschogeography, which attempted to combine subjective and objective
modes of study, recognized that the self can not be divorced from the urban
environment and on the other hand it pertained to more than just the pysche
of the individual if it was to be useful in the collective rethinking of
the city. So the derive was a playful, constructive way to travel the city
outside the classical notions of the jorney and stroll.

I propose to travel the city utilizing the street maps of London, or any
other of the participant's cities, as a means to navigate others and myself
through Belgrade.

This would last a day, maybe longer, depending upon how lost one gets!

2. Drugged Derive or
   Dazed and Confused: The Laconic Wanderer

This proposal remains the same as the one above but has an added 'twist'.
Utilizing the approach taken by the artist Franics Alys, to London, I propose
that each day 'drifting' through Belgrade is done so under the influence
of legal and illegal substances. Six substances could be listed and a dice
is then rolled at the beginning of each day to determine the drug one will
be under the influence of. For example, Saturday may be spent drunk, whilst
Sunday I may be stoned. Monday I may be high on Cocain whilst Tuesday could
be Ecstasy!

3. Detournement 1: Extraction and Exchange

(please note: the first 'e' in Detournement has a hyphen above it)

Another term coined by the 'SI', it is a word that when simply translated
means 'diversion', though the nuances of the word infer 'rerouting', 'hijacking',
'embezzlement', 'misappropriation' and 'coruption'. We would form an Uran
Gorillas Group (UGG!) and 'cut' or remove a section of land from 'under
the bridge' including all the waste and detritus foundupon it and 'swap'
it with a 'cut' of equal size taken from an area of natural beauty, historical,
political or social interest.  Elements of this proposal would have to be
executed under the cover of darkness, and the logistics would of course
have to be organized at the time depending on how many participants wish
to become members of UGG! and perfom this Cultural hijacking of values.

4. Detournement 2: Interruption and Irritation

This action would be a series of brief interventions designed to prevent
or corrupt the natural 'flow' of the city. Utilizing De Certeau's 'Practises
of Everday Life' various stratergies and tactics would be put in place to
disprupt the Brownian (microscopic) movements of the city. For example,
a participants may be asked to park his/her vehicle across lanes of busy
traffic, exclaiming that the vehicle had 'broken down', causing a minor
or major traffic jam and congestion. Others would already be in place to
document the action as it unfolds.  The disruption would lasdt between 5-10
minutes when the car would miracously start again!
Likewise a flase 'work-sie' could be created in an area busy with predestrians.
These actions could continue indefinitley and occur all across the city.

5. Role Play

This proposal is inspired by Luke Reinharts book 'The Dice Man'. Several
catergories would be drawn up that participants would then role for and
act out.


Cat:1 Character
1. Jesus
2. Superman
3. The Queen of England
4. Micheal Jackson
5. Princess Diana

Another role would determine the length yo are to stay in 'character' and
another would determine the action you are to take


Cat:3 Action
1. Dance on the Spot
2. Spit at people
3. Strip
4. Get Drunk
5. Shake as many people's hand's as possible

Of course the characters, actions and duration are only limited by participants


>The capacity of a body isn't enough
>Darting from side to side
     >  Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad
>Decline of the Hype
>YU (post) history happening
>strictly baltic
>Walking Exhibition
>The Walk-Room
>Entropy and the Heterogenous