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Sreda 24. oktobar 2012 u 19h
Kulturni centar REX, Jevrejska 16, Beograd
Predstavljanje radova Lise Torell
i razgovor sa umetnicom
u razgovoru učestvuje nezavisna kustoskinja i istoričarka umetnosti Jelena Vesić
uvodničar: Vladan Jeremić

Lisa Torell živi i radi u Švedskoj i Norveškoj. Redovno učestvuje na izložbama i u priređivanim stručnim publikacijama, u Švedskoj i internacionalno. Njeni radovi su se mogli videti, između ostalog, i u galerijama Konsthall C i Index (Švedska), kao i u Švedskom nacionalnom muzeju, zatim u galeriji TSSK (Norveška) i časopisu A-prior (Belgija). Trenutno učestvuje u putujućoj izložbi Ta plats 2010-2013 (Švedska).
Pored toga, Lisa Torell radi na samoorganizovanom projektu u stokholmskoj četvri Hagsatra, sa umetnicom Evom Arnkvist (Eva Arnqvist), kao i na izložbi u galeriji SiA (Atina). Uporedo sa svojom umetničkom praksom, predaje umetnost i rukovodi galerijom Index, iz Stokholma.
Sajt umetnice je: http://www.lisatorell.com/
Javna sfera, kulturološki izrazi ili stavovi, individualne manifestacije ili nacionalne reprezentacije i identiteti – šta se tu održava, a šta ispoljava? Kako i zašto? Kultura se konstruiše, a društvo održava. Lisa Torell istražuje društvo i kulturu posmatrajući ono što je u njima izloženo pogledu i način na koji se to vrednuje spolja. Pokušava da otkrije šta je to što oblikuje naš način posmatranja i kako na njega može da utiče ili da ga promeni, u određenom smeru. Naravno, ima više faktora koji utiču na nas i navode nas da stvari shvatamo na određeni način, ali, među svim tim faktorima, mesto, jezik i identitet se ističu kao tri temeljna elementa na kojima počivaju ili od kojih polaze naše interpretacije. To je razlog zašto se rad Lise Torell zasniva na ta tri elementa, a ishod često poprima oblik različitih vrsta teksta i specifičnih, za mesto vezanih instalacija, u kojima se dati kontekst razmatra, problematizuje ili naglašava na određeni način.
Predstavljanje Lise Torell beogradskoj publici je program realizovan u saradnji sa Kulturnim centrom REX a u sklopu BLOK 70 - rezidencijalnog programa Biroa Beograd koji je pokrenut ove godine kao prva rezidencija u Novom Beogradu o Novom Beogradu za umetnike/ce, teoretičare/ke i aktiviste/kinje. Prvi umetnik koji je imao prilike da gostuje u rezidenciji BLOK 70 ove godine je bio Alen Aligrudić koji se tokom aprila meseca predstavio beogradskoj publici, takođe u REX-u. Kritiku o umetničkom radu Alena Aligrudića koja je nastala u sklopu projekta Criticize This! http://www.criticizethis.org koji organizuju Kulturtreger i Kurziv iz Hrvatske, SEEcult.org i Beton iz Srbije, te Plima iz Crne Gore, možete pročitati na ovom
linku: http://www.seecult.org/vest/price-o-gradovima-i-ljudima
Gostovanje Lise Torell je podržano od strane IASPIS - Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program.
Cm by cm, metre by metre, km by km...
Presentation of the artworks of Lisa Torell
and talk with the artist
In conversation with the artist - independent curator and art historian Jelena Vesić
Introduction by Vladan Jeremić
24th of October 2012 at 7pm
Cultural Center REX, Jevrejska 16, Belgrade

Lisa Torell lives and works in Sweden and Norway. She participates regularly in exhibitions and publications national and abroad. Among other places her works have been seen at Konsthall C, Index and The National Museum (Sweden), TSSK (Norway) and A-prior magazine (Belgium). Currently she is part of the touring show Ta plats 2010-2013, (Sweden), is working on a self-organized project in Hagsätra with the artist Eva Arnqvist and an exhibition at SiA(Athens). In parallel to her own practice she teaches and is the chairman of INDEX, Stockholm.
Public sphere, cultural expressions or statements, individual manifestations or national representations and identity – what is reflected and what emerges? How and why? Culture is constructed and society mirrored. She is investigating society and culture by looking at what is there to see and how and what is evaluated from the outside. She tries to find out what it is that shapes our way of seeing and understanding and how she can affect or change that in some
direction. There are of course several factors that influence us and move us to understand things in a certain way, but amongst all these factors, place, language and identity stand out as three basic
elements on which our interpretations are founded or depart from. Why her work is based on these three parameters and the result often appears in different kind of text and site-specific installations
where the context is taking cared of or problematized or highlighted in a certain way.
This event is organized as a cooperation of Biro Beograd and Cultural Center REX as part of BLOK 70 - residency project of Biro Belgrade, which was recently started as the first residency in New Belgrade on New Belgrade for artists, theorists and activists. First resident this year was photographer from Copenhagen Alen Aligrudić.
Lisa Torell's residency is supported as well by IASPIS - Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Program supporting international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture.
I Will Never Talk About the War Again
Friday, June 8, 2012, 8 pm
This exhibition is open until August 30, 2012
Venues: KIBLA at Narodni dom Maribor and KIT at Glavni trg 14, Maribor, Slovenija
Performance during the opening of the exhibition
Alma Suljević: Holy Warrioress

Lana Čmajčanin, Chto Delat?, Igor Grubić, Adela Jušić, Nikolay Oleynikov, Shadow Museum/Jaroslav Supek, Alma Suljević
Curator: Vladan Jeremić
Catalogue: download pdf (3,6 MB)
The exhibition I Will Never Talk about the War Again will be presented for the first time in Slovenia as a part of the programme created by KIBLA for the manifestation Maribor 2012: European Capital of Culture. The exhibition has been produced by KIBLA and Biro Beograd, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic Slovenia, Maribor 2012 Institute - European Capital of Culture and City Council of the Municipality of Maribor.
The exhibition I Will Never Talk about the War Again presents the works of artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Russia focused on critical social analysis and testimonies of violence and trauma connected with recent wars in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
Under a heavy burden of wars, ethnic nationalisms and socioeconomic stratification processes, generated by neoliberal capitalism’s ideology, almost all states formed after the destruction of Yugoslavia suffer from neocolonial dependency imposed by global capital and permanent crisis at the European economic periphery. In such a constantly antagonistic social and political context there are certain requested positions in which testimonies of war trauma are represented, manifested and interpreted. That is why many representations in the field of cultural production and contemporary art don’t succeed to escape from stereotypes.
The exhibition I Will Never Talk about the War Again deals with the question can contemporary artistic practice find a language with which it would be possible to speak politically about individual and collective war and post-war experiences, without slipping into exoticization? Is it possible to find an adequate artistic formula, and is it always necessary to create empathy in the process of understanding? Silence and amnesia are the most common reactions to trauma; does art in this sense actually also remain silent by using only the symbolic language of images and sounds, staying in the field of mediation and symbolism?
The title of the exhibition is borrowed from the video performance I Will Never Talk about the War Again, by two artists from Sarajevo, Adela Jušić and Lana Čmajčanin.
I will Never Talk About the War Again is modified version of the initial exhibition presented in 2011, as a collaborative effort of Biro Beograd and Center for Art and Architecture from Stockholm Färgfabriken, under the title Psychosis 1 – I will Never Talk About the War Again.
Utorak, 17. april 2012, u 20h
Kulturni centar REX
Jevrejska 16, Beograd
Predstavljanje umetničkih radova Alena Aligrudića, umetnika iz Danske, Kopenhagen.
U svojim radovima, kao na primer u seriji fotografija „Pozdrav iz Jugoslavije 2003-2009“Alen Aligrudić, psihoanalitičkim seciranjem „post-sveta“ prikazuje reperkusije na ljudsku psihu kroz metaforu izgubljene zemlje. Kako su njegovi raniji radovi reflektovali direktno teme vezane za lokalitet uz priličnu dozu subjektivnog doživljaja, tako noviji radovi govore o umetniku dobro poznatoj teritoriji ex YU prostora sa refleksijom na globalni fenomen post-komunističkog društva u borbi za novi kulturni identitet, i sa druge strane distance koja postaje sve veća i veća.
Paralelno, Alen Aligrudić će prestaviti dva najnovija rada koja reflektuju društvo u kojem živi, očekivanja od tog društva, kao i njegov analitički pristup sličnostima i razlikama koje se pre svega ocrtavaju u ljudskoj prirodi nevezanoj za lokaciju. U jednom od ovih radova Alen koristi poslovice, dok je drugi vođen mogućnostima fotografskog medija ali je realizovan kao multimedijalni projekat u saradnji sa piscem Rafael Garido i sound umjetnikom Kristoffer J. Rosing-Schow.
Alena Aligrudić je rođen u Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina gde je završio osnovnu školu. Srednju školu je završio u Podgorici, Crna Gora. Diplomirao je Filmsku akademiji u Pragu - FAMU a master je završio na Funen umetničkoj akademiji, Odense u Danskoj. Nadavne izložbe imao je u MOCA Roskilde, kunsthale Brandts, Odense, Kopenhagen foto festival, Foto trienale u muzeju Fotografije, Odense, Nordlicht, itd. Trenutno priprema solo izložbu u muzeju fotografije, Odense, Nova Nordiska fotografija - Hasselblad fellowship, Nova Danska fotografija - fotografski centar Kopenhagen.
Web-site umetnika je:
Predstavljanje Alena Aligrudića beogradskoj publici je program Biroa Beograd realizovan u saradnji sa Kulturnim centrom REX a u sklopu BLOK 70 - rezidencijalnog programa Biroa Beograd koji je nedavno pokrenut kao prva rezidencija u Novom Beogradu o Novom Beogradu za umetnike/ce, teoretičare/ke i aktiviste/kinje.
Podršku je dao DJ:Fotografernes Ophavsretsfond i Kulturni centar REX.
Moderator dešavanja je Vladan Jeremic.
Tuesday, 17th of April 2012 at 8pm
Cultural Center REX
Jevrejska 16
Belgrade, Serbia
Presentation of the artworks of Alen Aligrudić
In his works, such as in the photo-series “Greetings from Yugoslavia 2003-2009” Alen Aligrudić performs psychoanalytical dissection of post-world and its repercussion on the human psyche through the metaphor of a lost land. Notwithstanding that narratives related to Yugoslavia can be interpreted as a local issue, he is certain that some reflections and comparisons to other places in this world are not entirely out of place - if the angle is about human nature in its core. In this work personal/collective memories play a role in which history is taken out of context and put into a new fiction form.
As his earlier works reflect themes directly site-specific related with a considerable dose of subjective experience, in recent studies he represents the for him well-known territory of ex YU space with the reflections on the global phenomenon of the post-communist society in the struggle for a new cultural identity, and its distance which becomes bigger and bigger.
At the same, Alen Aligrudić presents the two most recent works which reflect the society in which he lives, the expectations of that society, as well as his analytical approach to the similarities and differences that are primarily reflected in the human nature, not importantly site-specific. In one of these works Alen use proverbs, while the other is driven by the possibilities of the photographic medium, and is implemented as a multimedia project in partnership with writer Rafael Garrido and sound artist Kristoffer J. Rosing-Schow.
Alen Aligrudić was born in Tuzla, Yugoslavia 1977, he graduated Film Academy in Prague – FAMU/ BA in photography and obtained master degree at Funen Art Academy, Odense, Denmark. He lives and works in Copenhagen, Danmark.
His recent exhibitions include: MOCA Roskilde, Kunsthalle Brandts, Odense, Copenhagen Photo Festival Photo, Photo Triennial at the Museeum for Fotokunst, Odense, Nordlicht photo festival Netherlands, etc.. He is currently preparing a solo exhibition at the Museeum for Fotokunst, Odense, New Nordic Photography - Hasselblad Fellowship, Gotheborg, New Danish photography - Photographic Center Copenhagen.
This event is organized as a cooperation of Biro Beograd and Cultural Center REX as part of BLOK 70 - residency project of Biro Belgrade, which was recently started as the first residency in New Belgrade on New Belgrade for artists, theorists and activists.
Support: DJ: Fotografernes Ophavsretsfond and Cultural Center REX
Moderator: Vladan Jeremic

Kulturni centar Rex

Kontekst, autonomni prostor

World Communal Heritage

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