Under the Bridge

City Research Project
Belgrade, 10. - 14.12.2004

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Nenad Andric Anna Balint Sezgin Boynik Maja Ciric Thom Crane Minna Henriksson Dragan Ignjatov Peter Jap Lim Zorica Jovanovic Stephan Kurr Karin Laansoo Milica Lapcevic Boris Lukic Erika Margelyte Predrag Miladinovic Tanja Ostojic Dr Agan Papic Ivana Rankovic Matthias Roth David Rych Selena Savic Hanno Soans Aleksandar Stanojlovic Ricarda Wallhäuser


FLYER (pdf)

About 20 people from Serbia and other regions of Europe meet for 4 days in Belgrade to show each other the city.

On walks, tours and visitations the participants observe all kinds of habits of life and possible models of their interpretation: be they individual and personal, formed by tradition and history, shaped by society or invented by the state.

Some of this actions have conceptual character, others are simply invitations for a visit. Some walks are public, some ask for active participation, others are personal and private. Every evening there is a meeting with everybody in the restaurant.

On the last day there is the final manifestation UNDER THE BRIDGE "Gazela" in Novi Beograd. All participants are present and take part in the shaping of the place, using it according to their needs and wishes.

You are invited to join!

Oko 20 ucesnika iz Srbije i drugih delova Evrope se sastaje 4 dana u Beogradu da bi medjusobno pokazali grad.

Na zajednickim setnjama, turama i posetama ucesnici istrazuju mnoge aspekte na svakodnevnom zivljenju i njihovim mogucim interpretativnim modelima, bili oni individualni i licni, formirani od strane tradicije i istorije, socijalno uspostavljeni i planirani od strane drzave.

Jedan broj setnji ima konceptualan karakter dok su neke jednostavni pozivi za posetu, ostale su javne i zahtevaju aktivno ucesce ili su privatne i licne. Svaki dan u vecernjim casovima postoji mogucnost da se ucesnici susretnu u restoranu.

Poslednjeg dana jeste finalna manifestacija UNDER THE BRIDGE, ispod mosta "Gazela" u Novom Beogradu. Tamo su prisutni svi ucesnici, oni oblikuju mesto i prostor, koriste ga po svojim potrebama i zeljama.

Pozvani ste da nam se pridruzite!