
pragmatic version

b!zar Project Description version 0.7


Information does not want to be free, because the boundaries of communication are its condition and the borders of contents.

The project b!zar follows this structure/principle: multiauthor-text (ascii input) - text transformation (text2sound) / composition of sound (soundstreaming) + text transformation (text2video) manipulation of video (videostreaming)...
b!zar is a work in progress, it is available in a beta version and can only be presented global, local & live!

Via webpage the option is supplied to post with a form (multiauthor-text) directly into the b!zar composition machine / software. The text material (ascii) is used to arrange a composition - the text is transformed automatically via an algorithm into sound files (text2sound) and used to manipulate video-material (text2video). the sounds are played locally over a sound system. the videos are projected locally by a video-system.

This sound is converted back into text (sound2text), which is then re-fed into the textstream again: the mailinglists. During this step further texts will come via the form. Starting from here all previous steps are repeated, so that a spiral-like accumulation develops, which changes its contents again and again (versionizing): The a-stream. a-streaming and a-stream means "anti"streaming or a-streaming - an absurd broadcasting which cannot stop and is not controlled in detail. Mediation of the media. A play with-in the medium.

concept version

b!zar Project Description version 0.3

Information does not want to be free, because the boundaries of communication are its condition and the borders of contents. The project b!zar follows this structure/principle: multiauthor-text - textstreaming - text2sound - soundstreaming - sound2text - textstream/multiauthor-text - text2sound - soundstream - sound2text ... b!zar is a work in progress, it is available in a beta version and can only be presented global, local & live! Via Webpage powered by CGI-scripts the option is supplied to post over a formular (multiauthor-text) directly into selected mailinglists (textstreaming). The text material (ASCII) is transformed automated or by hand by means of WAV-Editors into sound files (text2sound), which are played locally over a sound system & via RealAudio live stream (soundstream) (*.rm). This sound is converted back into text (sound2text), which is then fed back into the textstream again: the mailinglists. During this step further texts will come via the formular. Starting from here all previous steps are repeated, so that a spiral-like accumulation develops, which changes its contents again and again (versionizing): The a-stream. a-streaming and a-stream means "anti"streaming or a-streaming - an absurd broadcasting which cannot stop and is not controlled in detail. Mediation of the media. A play with-in the medium.